Contact Details

Hans van den Hooff

Bloemgracht 189 A-1, NL-1016 KP Amsterdam, Netherlands
00 31 6 4178 6256
Currently not taking new clients.
  • Van den Hooff, H. (2013) A Hilbert-Space Framework for the Genesis of Conscious Mental States, Mind and Matter
  • Van den Hooff, H. (2013) A Hilbert-Space Framework for the Genesis of Conscious Mental States, Mind and Matter
  • Van den Hooff, Hans (2012) Falling Bankers and Falling Banks: A Psychoanalytical Exploration of the Phaethon Motif and the Fall in Financial Careers, in Towards a socioanalysis of money, finance and capitalism: Beneath the surface of the financial industry Susan Long and Burkhard Sieverd (Eds.), Routledge, London
  • Van den Hooff, Hans (2012) Quantum Mechanics and Analytical psychology anno 2012: Hilbert Space as a Mathematical Model for the Psyche. Paper 2d European Conference of the International Association of Analytical Psychology, St Petersburg, Russia, August-September 2012.
  • Van den Hooff, Hans (2006) Competition: some reflections on its archetypal roots and its effects on today’s organizations. Paper 23rd Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Psychoanalytical Study of Organizations, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 19-25 June 2006.