Contact Details

Jane Bacon

50 Knights Lane, Kingsthorpe Village, Northampton, NN2 6QL
07784 140244
Currently not taking new clients.

You can find out more about Jane's work at

Articles and Book Chapters

  • ‘CreativeArticulations Process: ‘Ground Form’ audio score as a way to frame and supportembodied research(ers)’, (with Vida Midgelow). in Doing Arts Research in aPandemic: A Crowd Sourced Document Responding to the COVID19 Pandemic, TheCulture Capital Exchange, compiled by Vida Midgelow.  pp.13-16.
  • Reconsidering Research and Supervision as Creative Embodied Practice: Reflections from the Field  by Jane Bacon and Vida Midgelow, Artistic Doctorates in Europe, 2019
  • ‘Processual Attention in Somatic Practice asResearch / Artistic Research’, in Resources for the embodied researcher: Artistic Doctorates in Movement and Choreographic Practices, Conceived by Artistic Doctorates in Europe – (eds Bacon, J., Midgelow,V., Hilton, R., Kramer, P.). Helsinki, Fi: Nival. 2019
  • Researching (in/as) Motion: A Resource Collection, ArtisticDoctorates in Europe, Theatre Academy, University of the Arts, Helsinki: Nivel 10. (eds JaneBacon, Rebecca Hilton, Paula Kramer Vida LMidgelow (eds.) (2019). 
  • ‘Informed by the goddess: Explicating a processual methodology’, Dance, Movement & Spiritualities, 4:1, pp. 41–55,Bristol: Intellect.  2017. doi: 10.1386/dmas.4.1.41_1 (also as a book chapter in edited collection Herstory (A. Williamson), Intellect
  • Experiences and Perceptions of theArtistic Doctorate – Survey Report, 2016
  • ‘Improvising Presence in the Analytic Space’, International Association of Analytical Psychologists, Congress published paper, Kyoto Japan, Aug. 2016
  • ‘Authentic Movement: a field of practices’ Introduction to guest edited special issue of Journalof Dance and Somatic Practices, vol 7.2, 2015, pp.205-216.
  • ‘Authentic Movement as wellbeing practice’, in Dance and Movement for Wellbeing: Kaleidoscopic Views of a Diverse Field (eds. Karkou, Oliver and Lycouris), Oxford University Press, 2015.
  • Review of Jung and Moreno, Essays on the theatre of human nature Ed. by Craig E. Stephenson. International Journal of Jungian Studies, vol 6. No. 3, pp.261-267. 2014.
  • Closer to the Body: Reflections on Skript, (with Midgelow, V.). In Articulations, Choreographic Practices special issue, Vol 5.1. Bristol:Intellect. 2014.
  • Creative Articulations Process, (with Midgelow, V.). In Articulations, Choreographic Practices special issue, Vol 5.1. Bristol:Intellect. 2014.
  • ‘Embodied and Direct Experience in Performance Studies’, in Contemporary Ethnography and Performance Studies (Harrop and Njaradi, eds). Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars,pp.113-130, 2013.
  • ‘Her body finds a voice in an imaginal world’ in Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy journal, Palgrave, 2012
  • ‘Sitting Practice: Reflections on a Woman’s Creative Process’ in Gender Forum, Women and Performance, Issue 31, 2010, Anna Furse (ed).
  • ‘The voice of her body: somatic practices as a basis for creative research methodology’ in Dance and Somatics journal, Intellect, vol 2:1,2010, pp.63-74, ISSN 1757-1871
  • ‘Introduction: Choreographic Practices’ (with Vida Midgelow) in Choreographic Practices Journal, Vol 1:1, 2010, pp.3-19
  • ‘Psyche Moving: ‘Active Imagination’ and ‘Focusing’ in movement-based performance and psychotherapy’ in Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy, London: Routledge, 2 (1), 2007, pp.17-28
  • ‘Myths of Woman: Arabic dancing in a non-Arabic world’ in Postfeminism – Debates and Definitions since 1980, an interdisciplinary handbook on the postfeminism debate, Birgit Haas (ed) Ed. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2006, pp.63-78
  • ‘It ain’t what you do it’s the way that you do it’‘ in The Practice of Performance Studies in the UK, Studies in Theatre and Performance, Bacon, J and F. Chamberlain (eds.), vol.25, no.3, pp.215-227, 2005, ISBN 1468-2761
  • ‘What is the Practice of Performance Studies in the UK: An Introduction’, The Practice of Performance Studies in the UK, Studies in Theatre and Performance, Bacon, J and F. Chamberlain (eds.), vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 179-188, 2005, ISBN 1468-2761
  • ‘Practitioner Voices: Jane Bacon’, Interviewed by Becca Gill, in Total Theatre Explores: Interviews with Women Practitioners of Physical and Visual Performance, 2005.

Performances/Installations/Artistic Research

  • BreathBone an online project: How might noticing and attending become an exchange. Daily practices for being well, 2022 
  • Creative Articulations Process: Rhizomatic Practice, A Video Exposition. 2021
  • Creative Articulations Process: A Rhizomatic Practice (a videoexposition), 2021
  • BreathBone a performance duet which creates spaces ofencounter to heighten inner awareness. Made with the support of Arts CouncilEngland, Dance4 UK, Middlesex University and Weld (Sweden). 2019-2020. 
  • Skript, a micro-installation (with Vida Midgelow) 2013
  • Psyche’s Witness and Sitting/Walking/Practice: exhibition. 2012
  • Sitting Practice: invited film showing/exhibition, Leamington Spa. 2010
  • Myths and Stories by Her, multi-media installation, PARIP DVD, London:Palgrave, University of Bristol, 2009
  • The Woman, installation, PARIP National Conference, Bristol, 2003
  • The Woman, multi-media installation, PARIP Regional conference, UCN November, 2002, ACE funded
  • Phasia, 3 minute dance video in collaboration with video artist Barry Halle, part of East Midlands Year of the Artist project ‘Video Miniatures’, choreographer, ACE funded, 2000. Available from Threshold Studios Northampton ISBN 5 038044300 22 5 Iris Light. Toured internationally including Glastonbury, 2010
  • Trains, Planes and Automobiles, a video and textile installation for Year of the Artist, 2000, performer, ACE funded
  • Practically Perfect, dance video with Robert Danields, Dance for Camera One Minute Wander, The Place, also BodyWorks Festival, Melbourne Australia and '', a web-site for the Arts Council of England, 2000
  • The Collection, a digital dance video in collaboration with Foreign Bodies Dance Theatre, director and videographer, 1999, ACE funded